Saturday, September 24, 2011

"My Blog - Introduction"

Welcome to "The Trials & Tribulations of the Life of Timothy J. Kilbane!", as told by Morgan Freeman. Please keep your hands and feet in your chairs at all times...this ride may be extremely long and mentally excruciating at times...but always promises to be entertaining, nonetheless.

Things I am not responsible for: boredom, impatience, stupidity, illiteracy, ignorance, and laziness.

Things I am responsible for: laughs, good humor, enjoyable content, an engaged learning experience...and of course, entertainment!

Things this blog plans to cover: life, poker, film, and whatever else I feel like sharing at the time.

If you are often bored & offended easily, and are hard to please (like some of my ex's), then this blog is obviously not for you.

If you laugh so hard sometimes that it hurts, then you may get a few kicks out of this one.

Likewise, if you have an easy-going personality, a desire to learn, and are open to new things, then hopefully you will enjoy reading this blog.

And if you've read this far, then congratulations! You are now finally ready to enter a new world and explore the mind of "Timmy Joe" Kilbane :)       

1 comment:

  1. I'm ready. Where do i enter? i paid $20.00 for friggin my ticket, this better be good
